Wyndham City will be updating household bin lid colours over the coming months, as a requirement of the Victorian Government to standardise the bin lid colours to comply with Australian Standards.
Starting in October, bin lids will be replaced with new coloured lids on the days that garbage and recycling bins are collected.
Bin colours will be updated so that garbage bins will have a red lid and recycling bins will have a yellow lid. There will be no change to green waste bins.
This update will ensure that Wyndham’s bin colours align with the standard bin colour scheme across Victoria.
The standard bin lid colours will make it easier for residents to put the right thing into the right bin, no matter where they are.
Wyndham City contractors will also be repairing and replacing broken bins as they move through the municipality changing the lids.
If they spot a damaged bin, a tag will be placed on it to let residents know how the repair will take place. If the bin can’t be repaired and needs to be replaced, it will be replaced with a bin of the same size.
There is no additional fee for the new lids and the project cost has been covered by the waste charge.
On their expected change over date, residents are asked to leave their bins out until 6pm on their normal collection day, until their lids have been changed.
Residents will receive a postcard in their letterbox alerting them of when the change is expected to happen, or they can search their address on the map on our website.
Wyndham City Mayor, Cr Susan McIntyre, said: “We are making a simple update to ensure our colours are consistent with other Victorian municipalities.”
“This update will make it easier for people to recycle correctly, which will in turn reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill and ultimately save our City money while protecting the environment.”
“The roll-out of new bins is complex and will take time. Please keep a lookout in your letterbox for a postcard that will tell you when we start the process in your area or check your address on our website.”
“It may take several weeks for our contractors to change the lids in your area, so please leave out your bins on your collection day until 6pm, until your lid has changed.”