Environment Protection Authority Victoria EPA has received an application from Yarra Valley Water seeking a development licence for the construction and commissioning of a predominantly underground Water Recycling Facility at Tram Road Reserve, Doncaster.
The facility will extract sewage from the nearby Koonung Creek branch sewer and treat at least 750,000 litres per day (up to 1.3 ML/day) to Class A standard before it is distributed to customers in Doncaster Hill for use in toilets, laundries and other non-potable uses.
According to Yarra Valley Water, it will help mitigate the impacts of population growth and climate change by providing an alternative source of water, thus reducing reliance on traditional water supply options.
At the end of 2021, over 2,000 homes had been built with recycled plumbing in Doncaster Hill and are awaiting the water recycling facility to provide recycled water through a dedicated pipe to their properties