Doctors for the Environment Australia
iDEA23, Surviving and Thriving
University of Queensland, St Lucia campus, Saturday 15 to Sunday 16July
Both in-person and online registrations are available
We’re incredibly excited about DEA ‘s annual major event on climate change and health, and we’re providing a complimentary ticket for you to come and join us.
Key topics and leading experts include:
- Healthcare sustainability: David Walker on electrifying health services; Dr Ben Dunne on embedding sustainability in hospitals and health services; Dr Richard Yin on sustainable general practice as a platform for advocacy; and Trevor Berrill on transforming the way GPs get and use energy
- Ethics and justice: Elise West on war and warming; Dr Michelle Maloney on rethinking our legal, political, economic and governance systems
- Ecology: Dr Dimity Williams on nature prescriptions; Prof Richard Fuller on biodiversity, health and connection to nature; Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg on will the Great Barrier Reef survive and thrive under extreme climate change; Prof Susanne Schmidt on healthy landscapes, native plants and people
- Personal and community solutions: Dr Moira Williams on building people power to tackle the climate crisis; Dr Nina Lansbury on protecting health in a changing climate- from the IPCC ivory tower to on-ground in a remote community; Prof Matthew Hornsey on a toolkit for understanding and addressing climate inaction
- Environment and society: Joanna Zhou on breakthroughs in climate law and policy – why we should remain optimistic about the future; Dr Anya (Anna) Phelan on circular ecosystem innovation and remote communities; Prof John Quiggin on climate change, despair and mental health and what can behavioural economics tell us.
We hope you can join us!
/Public Release.