Benalla Rural City Council has undertaken widespread community consultation to inform the development of a ‘whole of community’ Youth Strategy that will consider the needs and aspirations of young people aged 12-24 who live, work or study in the municipality.
The Benalla Rural City Youth Strategy 2022-2026 has strongly relied on input from young people and the wider community and was developed in close collaboration with secondary schools, parents, community members and related services and agencies that plan for and support youth.
Consultations engaged over 900 people who shared their thoughts and ideas, including:
▪ 648 young people aged 12-24 filled in an online survey
▪ 150+ young people attended a focus group
▪ 85 service providers/community members completed an online survey
▪ 14 parents/community members attended a focus group
▪ 18 service providers attended a focus group.
Mayor, Cr Bernie Hearn said the Council was hopeful that young people who live, work and study in Benalla Rural City will provide additional feedback and input into the draft document over the next 28 days. “We want to ensure that the final version of the 2022 – 2026 Youth Strategy is informed and reflects the many diverse voices of the young people in Benalla’s community,” said Cr Hearn.
The youth strategy guides the work that the Benalla Rural City Council’s Youth Development Team will deliver over the next four years including events like the recent Easter outdoor cinema that saw over 600 people attend over two nights.